Changzhou Senjie Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Senjie Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Senjie Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.




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Changzhou Senjie Environmental Protection Equipment Co.、Ltd。は、廃水処理、廃ガス治療、粉塵制御、および廃水処理の研究、生産、設置、およびアフターセールスサービスを統合する環境保護と汚染防止のための包括的なハイテク企業です。ノイズコントロールエンジニアリング機器。







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Bending Machine Maintenance Tips for Optimal Performance

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石炭スライム水処理システムのチェックポイント機器として、フィルタープレスには、大規模な機器、迅速な動作、安定した信頼できるシステムなどの基本的な特性が必要です。泥ケーキの水分含有量の要件が低下し、石炭フィルターの要件が徐々に増加しているため、徐々に増加しています。 (1)大規模な機器大きなフィルタープレートと短い構成の使用は、床面積を減らすだけでなく、フィルタープレート成分の短縮による圧力差動透過数を減らすこともでき、圧力差は簡単に中断されます。加工能力を高めながら、不均一なケーキ形成のリスクを減らすこともできます。生成された危険な圧力差を回避するために、クイックオープンフィルタープレスはフィルタープレートアセンブリの中央に金属駆動プレートを追加します。これにより、圧力差の透過を完全にブロックし、フィルタープレートの寿命とフィルタープレス全体を延長できます。 。 (2)より速い操作フィルタープレスは、素材を迅速に供給し、液体を迅速に放出し、ケーキをすばやく降ろし、フィルター布をすばやく交換するために必要です。これにより、大規模なフィルタープレスが容易になり、マルチポート給餌、光と暗い流れの同時放出、最適化されたフィルター表面設計、およびダイアフラムの押し出しが短くなります。技術的なろ過サイクルと、フィードシューズによるプレートクロス分離構造などの測定値の実現。余分な大型フィルタープレスの場合、高レベルのスロット給餌方法を使用する方が適切です。ろ過の初期段階では、高レベルの重力流法を使用してフィルタープレスを供給します。機械は、障害物なしで材料を供給し、フィードポンプを必要とせずに迅速なろ過を実現します。これにより、エネルギー消費を大幅に節約できます。ろ過の後期段階では、コストを削減するために小さな流れの高圧ポンプを使用します。 (3)システムの信頼性フィルタープレスを使用する場合、油圧システム、プルプレートシステム、布洗浄システム、液体収集フラップシステムの信頼性を要求することに加えて、フィルター布の損傷のタイムリーな知識、および損傷したフィルター布の正確な位置の発見プロセス全体の安定性にとって重要です。操作も非常に重要です。
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    顧客の工場の出力が増加し続けるにつれて、プレートとフレームフィルタープレスの負荷が大きくなり、機器の故障の頻度が高くなります。機器がより大きな効果を発揮できるように、機器をより適切に維持および改善するには、さらなる分析と要約が必要です。 。 (1)スラッジが厚すぎたり、乾燥したしこりが残されている場合、飼料ポートがブロックされます。現時点では、フィルタープレート間に媒体はなく、油圧システム自体の圧力のみが残っています。この時点で、プレート自体は長い間加圧されやすいです。損傷を与えます;測定:飼料ポートをブロックするスラッジを取り外します。 (2)飼料が不十分な場合、またはフィードに不適切な固体粒子が含まれている場合、プレートとフレーム自体に過度または不均一なストレスを引き起こし、損傷をもたらします。測定:飼料圧力と中粒子が要件を満たしていることを確認し、時間のダメージフィルタープレートでそれらを交換します。 (3)起動ポートが固体によってブロックされているか、起動中に供給バルブまたはコンセントバルブが閉じられている場合、圧力はどこにも漏れず、損傷を引き起こします。測定:フィルター布をチェックし、排水ポートをきれいにし、アウトレットをチェックし、対応するバルブを開き、圧力を解きます。 (4)フィルタープレートが適切にクリーニングされていない場合、媒体が漏れることがあります。漏れたら、プレートとフレームの端が洗い流され、小さな溝が作成されます。培地の大量の漏れにより、圧力が上昇できず、泥ケーキを引き起こすことができます。形成できません。測定:フィルタープレートを慎重にきれいにし、フィルタープレートを修理または交換します。
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    石炭調製技術の急速な発展により、石炭の調製プラントはより大きくなり、分離効率が常に改善され、微粒子炭の量が増加し、石炭の質が悪化し、石炭スライムが増加しています。このような問題も発生しています。石炭スラリー水処理システムの重要な機器であるフィルタープレスには、より高い要件が提案されています。石炭フィルタープレスの基本的な要件と特性(1)大規模なフィルタープレートと短い構成を使用する大規模な機器は、床面積を減らすだけでなく、より短いフィルタープレート成分による圧力差動伝達の数を減らし、太陽によって圧力差は簡単に破られます。 。加工能力を高めながら、不均一なケーキの形成によって引き起こされる危険な圧力差のために減少する可能性があります。クイックオープンフィルタープレスは、フィルタープレートアセンブリの中央に金属駆動プレートを追加し、圧力差の透過をブロックできる可能性があります。フィルタープレートの寿命とフィルターを押します。 (2)迅速な操作では、フィルターを押すと迅速にフィードし、液体をすばやく排出し、ケーキをすばやく降ろし、フィルター布をすばやく交換する必要があります。これは、マルチポートフィード、同時クリアフロー液体ドレナージ、およびフィルター表面設計を使用した大規模なフィルタープレスを助長します。ダイアフラム押出技術のろ過サイクルを最適化して短縮し、飼料靴でプレートクロス分離構造の実現を実現します。超大型フィルタープレスの場合、高レベルのスロット給餌方法がより適切です。ろ過の初期段階では、高レベルのトラフ給餌方法がより適切です。セルフフロー法は、障害物なしで材料をフィルタープレスに供給し、フィードポンプを必要とせずに迅速なろ過を実現し、エネルギー消費を大幅に節約できます。ろ過の後期段階では、コストを削減するために小さな流れの高圧ポンプを使用します。 (3)システムの信頼性。フィルタープレスを使用する場合、油圧システム、プルプレートシステム、布洗浄システム、液体収集フラップシステムの信頼性を要求することに加えて、フィルタークロスの損傷はタイムリーに知られ、フィルタークロスの損傷を知らなければなりませんタイムリーに知られている必要があります。正確な位置は、プロセス全体の安定した動作にとっても非常に重要です。
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    基礎土壌が主に粘土質土壌、砂質土壌、シルト、シルト質の土壌である沿岸地域では、湿った穴を形成する場所に鋳造された杭が広く使用されています。ただし、建設プロセス中に大量の泥が生成されます。それが時間内に消費されない場合、それは周囲の土壌と環境を深刻に汚染し、プロジェクトの建設の進行状況を停滞させ、プロジェクトの品質を損傷させます。したがって、廃棄物を治療する必要があります。探索して最適化します。現在、泥の無害な治療法は比較的単一です。一般的に、それは一元化された方法で積み上げられ、自然に乾燥します。凝固のために少量の混合物が局所的に追加されます。これには長い時間がかかり、大規模な消費エリアの問題はますます顕著になっています。生態学的文明の建設との矛盾はますます強化されています。 。建築技術と建設技術の開発と適用により、泥の脱水や固化技術、迅速で無害な治療などの新しい技術がますます成熟しています。その中でも、フィルタープレスは、化学および医薬品分野での固形液体分離に使用される一般的な機器です。開発と実践の後、パイルファンデーションエンジニアリングにおける泥固化の分野でもある程度使用されています。業界は、チャンバーフィルタープレスのための泥固化構築方法を提案しています。この構造方法は、シーリングと加圧のためにフィルタープレスのフィルタープレートに混合泥を送り、フィルター布でろ過し、固体と液体を分離し、固体泥ケーキを消費のために輸送することです。きれいな水が化学物質で処理され、標準に到達した後、近くの市営パイプネットワークに排出されます。長年にわたって建設会社を悩ませてきた泥輸送と消費の問題を効果的に解決できる方法。
Filter press knowledge
Basic overview Plate and frame filter presses are divided into two types: box filter press and plate and frame filter press. Element The structure of the plate and frame filter press consists of three parts: 1. Rack The frame is the basic component of the filter press. There are thrust plates and pressure heads at both ends. The two sides of the beam are connected to each other. The girders are used to support the filter plate, filter frame and pressure plate. In order to meet advanced hygiene requirements or anti-corrosion requirements, the shelves need to be covered with stainless steel. A. Thrust plate: Connect to the bracket, place one end of the filter press on the foundation, and the middle part of the thrust plate of the box filter press is for the feed Holes, four holes in four corners, the upper two corners are the inlet of the washing liquid or pressed gas, and the lower two corners are the outlet (underflow structure or filtrate outlet) b. Pressing plate: used to press the filter plate and filter frame, and the rollers on both sides are used to support the pressing plate rolling on the track of the beam. C. Girder: It is a load-bearing component. Hard PVC, polypropylene, stainless steel or new anti-corrosion coatings can be painted according to environmental protection requirements. 2. Pressing mechanism Manual compression, mechanical compression, hydraulic compression. A. Manual compression: Use a screw mechanical jack to compress the compression plate to tighten the filter plate. B. Mechanical compression: The compression mechanism consists of a motor (with advanced overload protector) reducer, gear, screw and fixed nut. During compaction, the motor rotates forward, driving the reducer and gear to rotate the screw in the fixed nut, pushing the pressing plate to compress the filter plate and filter frame. As the pressing force becomes larger and larger, the load current of the motor increases. When the current value set by the protector is reached, the maximum pressing force is reached, the motor cuts off the power supply, stops rotating, and the screw and fixing nut are reliable. The self-locking helix angle can reliably ensure the compression state during work. When retracting, the motor reverses. When the pressure block on the pressure plate is pressed down, it will return to stop when it reaches the travel switch. C. Hydraulic compression: The hydraulic compression mechanism is composed of a hydraulic station, a cylinder, a piston, a piston rod, and a connection between the piston rod and the compression plate. The structure of Hafranka hydraulic station is: motor, oil pump, relief valve (pressure regulating) reversing valve, pressure gauge, oil circuit, and oil tank. When the hydraulic stamping machine is pressed, the hydraulic station supplies high-pressure oil, and the component chamber formed by the oil cylinder and the piston is filled with oil. When the pressure is greater than the friction resistance of the pressure plate, the pressure plate slowly presses the filter plate. When the tightening force reaches the pressure value set by the relief valve (displayed by the pressure gauge pointer), press the filter plate, filter frame (plate and frame type) or filter plate (box type), and the relief valve begins to relieve pressure and unload. When the motor power is cut off, the pressing action is completed. When retracting, the reversing valve changes direction and the pressure oil enters the rod cavity of the cylinder. When the oil pressure can overcome the frictional resistance of the pressure plate, the pressure plate begins to retreat. When hydraulic pressure is maintained automatically, the pressing force is controlled by the electric contact pressure gauge, and the upper limit pointer and lower limit pointer of the pressure gauge are set to the values required by the process. When the pressing force reaches the upper limit of the pressure gauge, the power supply oil pump stops and the oil pump stops power supply. Pressure reduction may occur due to internal and external leaks in the oil system. When the pressure drops to the lower limit of the pressure gauge, turn on the power and the oil pump starts supplying oil. When the pressure reaches the upper limit, cut off the power. The oil pump stops supplying oil, and this cycle is used to achieve the effect of ensuring the compression force during the filtering process. 3. Filtering mechanism The filter mechanism consists of filter plate, filter frame, filter cloth and pressed membrane. Both sides of the filter plate are covered with filter cloth. When a filter press membrane is required, a set of filter plates is composed of a diaphragm plate and a side plate. The base material of the diaphragm plate is covered with rubber diaphragm or polypropylene diaphragm on both sides, the outside of the diaphragm is covered with filter cloth, and the side plates are ordinary filter plates. The material enters each filter chamber from the feed hole on the thrust plate. The solid particles are trapped in the filter chamber because the pore size is larger than the filter medium (filter cloth). The filtrate flows out from the outlet hole under the filter plate. When the filter cake needs to be dried, in addition to pressing with a diaphragm, compressed air or steam can also be used to pass through the flushing port, and the air flow can flush the moisture in the filter cake to reduce the moisture content of the filter cake. (1) Filtering method The filtrate outflow methods include open flow filtration and undercurrent filtration. A. Open flow filtration: The liquid outlet under each filter plate is equipped with a water nozzle, and the filtrate flows out from the water nozzle intuitively. B. Underflow filtration: There is a liquid outlet hole under each filter plate, and the liquid outlet holes of several filter plates are connected to form one liquid outlet. This channel is drained by a pipe connected to the outlet hole below the thrust plate. (2) Washing method When the filter cake needs to be washed, there are open flow one-way washing and two-way washing, and undercurrent one-way washing and two-way washing. A. Clear flow one-way washing means that the washing liquid enters sequentially from the washing liquid inlet hole of the thrust plate, passes through the filter cloth and then through the filter cake, and flows out from the non-porous filter plate. At this time, the drain nozzle of the orifice plate is closed. In this state, the outlet nozzle of the non-orifice plate is open. B. Clear flow two-way washing means that the washing liquid is washed twice from the washing liquid inlet holes on both sides of the thrust plate, that is, the washing liquid is washed from one side and then from the other side, and the outlet of the washing liquid is the same as the inlet. The direction of the angle is therefore called two-way cross-washing. C. Undercurrent unidirectional flow means that the washing liquid enters the perforated plate from the washing liquid inlet hole of the thrust plate, passes through the filter cloth and then through the filter cake, and flows out from the non-porous filter plate. D. Undercurrent two-way washing means that the washing liquid is washed twice from the two washing liquid inlet holes on both sides of the top of the plug plate, that is, first from one side and then from the other side. The washing liquid outlet is diagonal. direction, so it is also called undercurrent two-way cross-washing. (3) Filter cloth: Filter cloth is a main filter medium. The selection and use of filter cloth plays a decisive role in the filtration effect. The selection should be based on factors such as the pH value of the filter material and the size of the solid particles. The material and pore size ensure low filtration cost and high filtration efficiency. When using, ensure that the filter cloth is uneven and the pores are smooth. Mechanical classification Plate and frame filter press A set of filter chambers is composed of alternating filter plates and filter frames. The surface of the filter plate has grooves, and its protruding parts support the filter cloth. There are through holes at the corners of the filter frame and filter plate, which form a complete channel after assembly, which can pass into the suspension, washing water and guide the filtrate. There are handles on both sides of the board and frame supported on the cross beam, and the board and frame are pressed tightly by the pressing device. The filter cloth between the plate and frame acts as a gasket. The suspension hydraulic pressure is sent into the filter chamber by the feed pump The filter residue forms on the filter cloth until it fills the filter chamber. The filtrate passes through the filter cloth and flows along the grooves of the filter plate to the corner channels of the plate and frame for discharge. After filtration is completed, the filter residue can be washed with washing water. After washing, compressed air is sometimes introduced to remove residual washing liquid. Then open the filter press to remove the filter residue, clean the filter cloth, re-tighten the plate and frame, and start the next working cycle. The plate and frame filter press is suitable for suspensions with a large amount of or nearly incompressible filter residue. Suitable suspensions usually have a solids concentration of less than 10% and an operating pressure of 0.3 to 0.6MPa. The filter area can be increased or decreased depending on the number of plates and frames used. The plate frame is usually square, the inner side length of the filter frame is 320 to 1250 mm, the frame thickness is 25 to 40 mm, and the filter area is 0.5 to 200 square meters. The plate and frame pressing methods include manual screw, electric screw, and hydraulic. The materials of plates and frames include cast iron, stainless steel, polypropylene, rubber, etc. Chamber filter press The structure and working principle of the box filter press are similar to that of the plate and frame filter press. The difference is that both sides of the filter plate are recessed, and each two filter plates are combined into a single box filter chamber, eliminating the filter frame. There is a round hole in the center of the filter plate, through which the suspension flows into each filter plate. Filter chamber. This filter is suitable for suspensions that need to be filtered at higher pressures without washing the filter residue. Filter press installation and commissioning 1. The filter press should be installed on a flat concrete foundation. The feed end thrust plate feet are fixed on the foundation through anchor bolts; the bracket end does not require anchor bolts, or use two nuts to position and lock the anchor bolts, leaving an appropriate gap between the nut washers and the anchor base, so that The legs can be extended slightly. The installer should correct the verticality of the beam and the large plane of the thrust plate before positioning. 2. The basic structure should be designed by construction engineers according to the load conditions of the equipment, and the anchor bolts should be filled twice in the reserved holes. 3. There should be enough space for operation and maintenance around the filter press. The hydraulic filter press should choose a suitable location to place the hydraulic station to ensure that the hydraulic station can work normally. 4. Place the filter plate according to the work requirements, and arrange the feeding, washing and drainage pipelines. It is equipped with a filter pressure display and a return channel to control the filter pressure. In the case of diaphragm squeeze type, compressed air lines are arranged. 5. Inject clean 20#-40# hydraulic machinery oil into the oil tanks of the hydraulic filter press and hydraulic station, and the operating temperature is >-5℃; if the ambient temperature is low, you can choose hydraulic oil with similar viscosity and lower freezing point. Adding hydraulic oil must pass through a 80-100 mesh screen. 6. For mechanical or hydraulic compression devices, the starting motor should work normally when the power is turned on. When hydraulic pressure is applied, the pressure gauge should rise smoothly and the hydraulic system should have no leaks. The working pressure of the hydraulic station should be adjusted according to the size of the model. If the fuel tank is found to be insufficient after the test, it must be replenished. Filter filter use and maintenance precautions Lake The normal filter press should be debugged before feeding, and the entire machine should be inspected before each shift. Mechanical compression transmission components and reduction gearboxes must be filled with lubricating oil; hydraulic pressure is used to check the oil storage capacity of the oil tank and the working pressure of the hydraulic station. Hydraulic oil is generally replaced once a year. When replacing, the hydraulic system should be fully cleaned. The working pressure of the hydraulic station should be less than the maximum working pressure of the oil cylinder, but the minimum should not be lower than the allowable value of the filter pressure. If it is too small, it will cause a larger leak and damage the component. 2. It is prohibited to start work when the number of filter plates is less than the specified number to avoid damaging the machine. Check the arrangement of the filter plates before feeding. The filter cloth must not be folded to prevent large amounts of leakage. After the filter cake is discharged, the filter plates must be pressed tightly and aligned. 3. After everything is normal, press the filter plate for filtration. Filtration pressure and filtration temperature must be within specified ranges. If the filter pressure is too high, leakage will occur. If the filtration temperature is too high, the plastic filter plate will be easily deformed. The concentration should be uniform. There must be no mixed materials; after the filter cake is discharged, the filter cloth and filter plate must be rinsed clean. Residues are strictly prohibited from sticking to the sealing surface or the feed channel, otherwise it will affect the smoothness of the feed and the sealing of the filter plate. Affected, the pressure on both sides of the filter plate is unbalanced and the filter plate is damaged. 4. The selected filter cloth must meet the filter pad requirements of filtration technology. The new filter cloth should be shrunk before opening. The pore size should be smaller than the filter plate pore size. When the filter plates are matched, the holes and plate holes should be relatively concentric. The filter cloth of the feed hole should be close to the pipe wall, otherwise it will cause unclear filtration, low filtration rate, and rupture of the cloth pipe. Consequences for intended filtering purposes. 5. In the early stage of filtration, the filter press is relatively turbid. When a filter cake forms on the filter cloth, the filtrate becomes clear. If the filtrate is turbid or clear and mixed, the filter cloth may be damaged or the cloth holes may be deviated from the plate holes. At this time, close the valve or stop feeding and replace the filter cloth. A small amount of leakage caused by the capillary phenomenon of the filter cloth is allowed between the filter plates. 6. When moving the filter plate, use even and appropriate force. Do not bump or knock to avoid damaging the sealing surface and filter wrench. After being used for a period of time, the filter cloth will become hard and its performance will decrease. For this reason, regular inspections are necessary. If changes are found to affect the filtration speed, low-concentration weak acid and weak alkali can be used to neutralize and clean the filter cloth to restore it to its original state. If it cannot be restored, please replace it in time. 7. Slurry, emulsion or compressed air valves must be started according to the operating procedures and cannot be started at the same time.



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